February 27, 2023
Before the exciting news that I was pregnant, I drank HerTime from MixHers religiously. I swear by it! I have struggled with super bad PMS for years, and HerTime helped me so much.
So when MixHers came out with herBaby a month after I had my big fat positive, I was thrilled!
Here are a couple of my favorite things about it–
**disclaimer– not a doctor**
1- It’s a drink
to be honest, this one is a pro and a con for me. I didn’t love the taste during my first trimester (I did it in small cups to get it over with as quickly as possible)
the pro– pills have been making me gag. They never have before being pregnant! But here we are.
2- MixHers is a small, women- owned company
this is a huge plus for me!
3- The flavor
I know this directly contradicts what I said in point 1, but now that I’m in second trimester, I really enjoy having a flavored drink during the day! It helps up my water intake which is fantastic!
4- I’m excited that it is a pre and post natal
I’ll report back on that once we hit that point!
5- Morning sickness
I personally cannot attest to this. I’ve definitely had my fair share of morning sickness, but I have no point of comparison to how my body would react as this is my first pregnancy. However, lots of people swear this made their morning sickness better, worth a shot, right?!